Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Felix:

So far, you've been gaining two ounces every day. I know you're not great at multiplying yet, but that's 45 pounds per year! Unless you're shooting for a sumo scholarship when you're in high school (and weighing 800lbs), maybe you should take it easy. Think it over, son.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dear Felix:

What a wonderful whirlwind these last 11 days have been! Today is your official due date, but thankfully you chose to grace us with your presence almost 2 weeks early. Believe me, darling, my sausage toes were about to pop from all the swelling and I'm scared to think about what might have happened should you have come on time instead of early!

After 20 hours of labor you entered the world with a hearty holler and it's all been gravy since then. You eat like a champ, you sleep like a champ, and gosh darnit if you don't poop like champ! At your appointment with the lactation consultant today, she called you "exceptional" and we were all blown away to discover that you've already surpassed your birth weight by 8 whole ounces. Way to go, kiddo!

Your first outing was a low-key trip to the laundromat. Not very glamorous, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Your birth marked the changing of the seasons here in San Diego. The nights have been cooler and we've pulled out our long sleeve tees in anticipation of fall. The summer was so hot (especially for your very pregnant mama) that shortly after my water broke, I can remember the excitement I felt about spending a few days in an air-conditioned room at the hospital.

Your Papa and I can't stop staring at you. In the evenings when you are fast asleep on our laps, we find ourselves simultaneously looking at you and at photos of you on our computers. We just can't get enough of our little Felix. Every little part of you is perfect from your teeny-tiny toes to the swirl of hair on the back of your head. The verdict is still out as to who you look more like, your papa or me. You definitely got his toes and ears, but I think you've got my lips. And there's no doubt that your lovely, lovely chin you inherited from both of us.

As I type this letter you are fast asleep in your crib. This afternoon is the first time I put you down to sleep there, because up until now you've spent nearly your whole existence in our arms. I can't say I'm gonna make a habit of letting you sleep in your crib--I want you near me always! Call me selfish, but I know these days of you as a newborn as fleeting and I'm going to hold on to them (and you) for as long as possible.

I hear you whimpering, so off I go to check on you. I love you, baby Felix...
